behind locked doors

an installation by Vasku & Klug
for Preciosa in the Hofburg Palace, Vienna


From all sides the slightly sparkling sand seems to lead the way into the room with invisible wave movements. In dune-like formations, smoothed on the surface by the years of calm after centuries of hectic activity. Richly ornamented chandeliers with the most finely cut crystal, archetypes of imperial splendour, prove themselves to be, apparently for the last time, magicians with light. Before they too, having long ago lost their function, finally disappear. Still a long time before the building itself.

It is an entirely new world that Michael Vasku and Andreas Klug, together with Preciosa, open up with their “Behind Locked Doors “ installation. They carry us off to an abandoned place and show us what happens when Man is no longer there and organised structure begins to fall apart. And they persuade visitors to follow a childish instinct that many of us have already lost: the curiosity to want to look behind every door, to investigate every corner. An emotional experience that occurs entirely without curatorial official guidance. “Spaces created and abandoned by Man – be they towns or buildings – give the observer a genuine perception of the past. It is a frozen moment of history which is more authentic than any museum display.”

The idea conceived by Vasku & Klug and Preciosa, of declaring the Hofburg Palace or, to be more precise, the foyer on Heldenplatz, an “abandoned place”, may initially seem irritating. This magnificent imperial building, which grew over the centuries, stands on firm cultural history foundations. And it is so firmly rooted in the consciousness of the inhabitants of the city and country that for many it is probably scarcely conceivable that something new and unfamiliar is still to be found behind closed doors. But with the first step through the gate into the Hofburg foyer, the irritation turns to fascination. You leave behind the hectic pace of everyday life, the metropolis, which seems to put everything of importance on display in line with the times and you become part of a “historically charged” backdrop in which crystal chandeliers are presented with a contemporary design as if perfectly natural. Such ideas can only work if old and new do not clash with each other. That is a matter of perception. And the studio Vasku & Klug and Preciosa, the world-famous Czech crystal specialist, prove to be congenial partners here.

ART&ANTIQUE Hofburg Vienna
from 8th to 16th November 2014

in the foyer of the Hofburg Palace, Vienna

Opening hours:
daily: 11.00 to 19.00

Vasku & Klug

The project portfolio of the Studio Vasku & Klug ranges from traditional architecture and interior design to corporate architecture. True to the historical idea of the total work of art, Michael Vasku and Andreas Klug pursue the constant theme of treating every planning task as a whole, which entails heavy involvement of the related disciplines of lighting, graphics and media.

The more recent, internationally highly-regarded works of this architectural duo in the fields of exhibition architecture and scenography include the presentation concept for “Confession of Design”, a showcase for the excellence of the Austrian creative sector organised by Außenwirtschaft Austria parallel to the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2014 in Milan. They also include “Wishing Table – Tischlein, Deck Dich”, a touring exhibition of contemporary design from the Czech Republic, that could be seen at eight locations in seven countries from October 2012 to January 2014.



Preciosa Lighting is part of the Preciosa Group, which is one of the world’s leading companies in the field of the highest-precision cut crystal components. The roots of the company, whose registered office is in Kamenický Šenov in the Czech Republic, go back to the year 1724. Over the centuries Preciosa consolidated and expanded its knowledge of the characteristic properties of crystal – transparency, fragility and the ability to change its shape when in liquid form – into masterly expertise. The highest standards of craftsmanship, unique technical know-how and the distinctiveness of its designs have today guaranteed Preciosa a place among the world’s leading producers of top-quality cut crystal. Preciosa Lighting’s classic chandelier lighting can be found all over the globe, in Versailles, St. Petersburg, London, Dubai, Macao and New York. In both public and private palaces and residences. Preciosa’s impressive product range also includes jewellery, gift items, crystal components for the jewellery and fashion industries and the legendary, beautiful cut crystal beads.





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